Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.

John Muir


Forest and nature therapy.


Caroline helps people to connect with nature for their wellbeing.

Current research is showing the great benefits to our health and wellbeing by spending time in nature. Nature therapy is now being offered as a holistic, evidence based health intervention, part of social prescribing and green prescribing in many areas across the UK. Research is also finding that as we notice nature and spend time connecting with nature we are more likely to care for nature.

Forest therapy … what is it?

Forest therapy involves forest bathing… immersing your senses in nature as you slow down and reconnect with nature and yourself. It originated in Japan in the 1980’s due to a national health crisis and stress related illnesses. Scientific research established the benefit of forest bathing to reduce stress, improve attention, boost immunity and improve mood.  These benefits are due to various factors in the forest which reduce stress:-

  • Phytoncides (natural oils released by trees)

  • Fractal patterns in nature (repetitive branching patterns in trees etc)

  • Negative ions in the air near moving water

  • Microbes in the forest soil boost the immune system.

The practice involves slowing down, connecting with your senses and following invitations to deepen your connection with the forest, allowing the natural world to promote healing and wellbeing. 


Bespoke approach.

With a degree in Psychology, a background in the NHS, and as a qualified Horticultural Therapist and Integrative Forest Therapy Practitioner, Caroline offers Nature Wellbeing Sessions and Forest Therapy in the Sheffield and Derbyshire area as well as online on zoom.

From Wellbeing Training Workshops for Organisations to Forest Bathing or Nature Connection Caroline offers various bespoke sessions for different clients. She works with various charities and organisations including AGE UK, People Keeping Well, Sheffield Carers, Sheffield Dementia cafes, The Terminus Initiative Low Edges and WORTH, domestic abuse recovery charity, Chesterfield.

She is also involved with the team at Derby University as part of a research project into the benefits of Forest Therapy for people with Long Covid.

What we do.

  • Forest therapy.

    “Caroline was a wonderful warm, knowledgeable and experienced course leader, She inspires confidence that she really knows and practices integrating nature into her own life and has a great blend of practical knowledge underpinned by theory and scientific research.”

  • Nature for wellbeing

    Nature wellbeing.

    “Caroline has a vast knowledge which she willingly shares. She has gently prompted us with her knowledge to stop, look, listen, collect and enjoy nature’s beauty. Her kind manner encouraged the group of strangers to come together and share many stories.”

Instagram @wellwithnature.uk