Wellbeing Workshops for Organisations.

Caroline Cook is a Facilitator, Horticultural Therapist and Forest Therapy Practitioner. With a background in Psychology and working in the NHS as a Speech and Language Therapist, she currently works with Chatsworth, People Keeping Well Sheffield, Sheffield Museums and Sheffield Manor Lodge.

Help your team improve resilience and wellbeing.

We are passionate about creating simple, practical and enjoyable workshops which facilitate team wellbeing as well as holistic mental and physical health. We create bespoke corporate packages to suit the needs of your workplace team.

engage ~ with the natural world through practical exercises.
educate ~ your team on the current research and scientific evidence of the benefits of nature connection on both physical and mental health.
empower ~ your team with nature connection strategies to enhance physical and mental wellbeing.

What we offer

Nature connection at the beautiful, historic Sheffield Manor Lodge.
Caroline can offer a number of different sessions, depending on the season and availability:

• Meadow mindfulness

• Apothecary Garden Herbal mindfulness

• Lavender Labyrinth mindfulness

• Winter wellness around the firepit

What people are saying.

“Caroline used her skills and passion to take us on a gentle journey of reconnection with
nature and of our calmer more reflective selves. It was a perfect way to enhance team
wellbeing and gave each member a chance to find something in nature that was
emotive, stimulating, familiar or new. We all came away feeling refreshed and relaxed
and with a renewed determination to use our green spaces more regularly both as part
of our work and leisure. Highly recommended.”

Chris Hood
(CEO South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association)

“Coming to do the excellent wellbeing sessions outdoors with Caroline made me realise, that I was not fully present in nature and not fully switching off, treating my daily walks like a rushed to do list, just like work. Caroline taught me how to truly be calm and I came away with a real feeling of stillness and felt refreshed and truly de-stressed. I went onto practice this in future walks. I would highly recommend to others. Thank you Caroline.”
Pam Daniel  ( She /Her )
Equality and Engagement Lead
Voluntary Action Sheffield